Tuesday, January 1, 2013

make something every day


Happy New Year! It is my goal for 2013 to Make Something Every Day. To be creative and make art a part of my daily life. I vow also to get out and smell the flowers every day, enjoy the fresh air and keep my mind at ease. I can't guarantee that all of my creations will be blog worthy but I will try my best to document each days new idea. 

Today I made: A couple new things for the shop. Already this is helping with business! After uploading a handful of new items to my shop, I got out my red yarn and made a red version of this bow and a cranberry red version of this scarf. No pictures yet but I'll have these colors added to my shop before the week is over. In other news, the rain has been treating my garden well and the flowers are blooming beautifully. <3 

So, the challenge has started,
and day one has been completed.
#MSED 365
(Make Something Every Day)