Wednesday, October 10, 2012

look who's back

and comin' back
with a vengeance.. >.<

First of all, here's a little update on my shop: Motavations is currently on vay-cay until I can fill her up with a bunch of new goodies. I'll be throwing product previews at you like this extra-long, chunky, winter hat that I designed almost a year ago.
I'm currently in a state of confusion, trying to decide whether to make lots of custom order pieces or more one of a kind, ready to ship items. I'm sure custom orders will sell better, but I think there's something really special about making one unique item with no duplicates so people have an opportunity to own something that's truly one of a kind. I hope to get some feedback on my previews to help me decide whether to sell singles or customs of items.

Now most importantly! My bff, Charisma, is probably coming to room with me soon and she just so happens to be a very talented, crafty girl. I already have some dream catcher earrings of hers in my room which I'll be putting up in my shop when I open it back up. She will be the first new member of my shop, so coming soon is the new and improved Motavations! I have lots of talented friends and lots of collab ideas in mind so hopefully we can work together on some projects without goofing off too much, haha. Here's to more good times.!

I came back from a trip to Long Beach to the chilly autumn weather that I've been waiting for. I hope it stays this way so I can keep my sweater on and crank out some scarves.

In other news: 

New blog favorites: sennaloves.blogspot, I love your blog and your knits are great. And thanks to her I also found woolandthegang.tumblr which is also full of yarn lover inspiration. 

I'm going to go do a rain dance right now and try to re-teach myself to knit today.

Last winter I took some pictures of the snow:

with love, neena noel