Wednesday, February 27, 2013

make something day fifty-eight

Today I made: a dreamcatcher that I actually like! It was a random dream catcher making party with my girls and this one turned out very nicely compared to my first two attempts. I spent all day working on it too and was excited to have an opportunity to use my new little metal feathers.

In other news, I have a tendency to make these blog posts days or even weeks late. It's just too much to make something, take a good picture, write about it AND fulfill all of my other responsibilities all in one day. However, I have successfully made something new every day so far, it's just the posts that are late. Plus, I've been getting massive amounts of spammy comments on a few of my posts and it's rather annoying. I'm trying though! And the goal is to have this to show with a photo of each new project at the end of the year.